SALE! Angy Bar Owner Stained Glass LE100 Pin

$8.00 - $18.00
SALE! Angy Bar Owner Stained Glass LE100 Pin

This is a fan made item. I am not affiliated with Genshin Impact or Mihoyo.

Standard grade: The best quality pins I receive. May have one or two very small issues such as a light scratch or a speck of dust. but nothing serious or distracting.

B Grade common issues: scratches, pinpricks (not on face), dust specks on the enamel. B Grades should look nice when looking straight on at an arms length. But may have 1-2 issues you notice when squinting.

C Grade common issues: Same as b grade but in larger quantities, or problems that fairly noticeable from straight on. This is the lowest grade and is discounted as such.

Hard Enamel
2.75" Tall
Stained Glass feature
Limited Edition 100
Gold Plating
Screen Printed elements
Artwork for this project was made by Midorizou.