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Dracula Babe

$15.00 - $26.00

Production can take anywhere from 2-6months, or longer if problems arise. Please follow @Foxipins for production updates.

Grading is A-B mixed, and C ONLY. The price reflects the mixed grading. In hand availability will be at an increased price.

A Grade: A grade pins are the best in this individual batch. A grades should not have highly noticeable flaws that are visible from an arms length away in natural lighting. These may still have one or two smaller flaws that require either reflecting light to see, or holding it close to your face. A Grade does not mean 'flawless'. A common problem is wrong color specks in the pearl enamel, or on the large print sections.

B Grade common issues: scratches, pinpricks (not on face), dust specks on the enamel. B Grades should look nice when looking straight on at an arms length. But may have 1-2 smaller issues you notice. A common problem is wrong color specks in the pearl enamel, or on the large print sections.

C Grade: All of the above, but either more noticeable, or more numerous.

3" Tall
Gold Plating
Hard Enamel
Glitter (LE 15 variant only)

Artwork for this design by: Buncaek