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HSR Enamel pins

$27.00 - $52.00

These are limited edition drops, and are not open order. Grading is A-B mixed ONLY for presale. The price reflects the mixed grading. I will try to deliver all presale as A grade, but sometimes the batch in general can lean towards B, which is why I list them this way just in case.

A Grade: A grade pins are the best in this individual batch. A grades should not have highly noticeable flaws that are visible from an arms length away in natural lighting. These may still have one or two smaller flaws that require either reflecting light to see, or holding it close to your face. A Grade does not mean 'flawless'.

B Grade common issues: light scratches or polishing marks, pinpricks (not on face), dust specks on the enamel. B Grades should look nice when looking straight on at an arms length. But may have 1-2 smaller issues you notice.

Dan Heng & Jing Yuan
Roughly 3" each (scaled together)
Sandblast background, pearl no swirl leaves, gradient print
Gold Plating
LE40 each
Artwork by @KmoriPins